Tag: Speeches

Year 4 Speech Finals

Te Manga have been learning about persuasive writing and speeches for the past 5 weeks. Each student has presented a speech to the class which will be posted on their individuals blogs. Today our  speech finalists had the opportunity to present their speeches to Sir, Mrs Windleborn, whānau and friends.

Speech Topics

Te Reinga – NZ should be pest free

Shaylyn – What I would do with a billion dollars

Pranshi – My Dream School

Nova – Kids should be allowed to play video games

Indi – I should be Prime Minister

Nathanael – If I was Sir

The speech topics were varied and interesting. Each student presented their speech with enthusiasm, confidence and passion! Sir and Mrs Windleborn had a very difficult decision to make.

1st Place went to Te Reinga, congratulations!

A huge congratulations to all of our speakers today and to all our Te Manga students who worked so hard. We are very proud of all of you!

Click on this link to go to our individual blog links. Each student will have their speech on theor blog by the end of term.

Speeches and Green Screen App Fun

Last term our class presented speeches in Week 9 and 10.

Congratulations to the following students for winning our Te Manga Year 4 Speech  Competition;

1st – Julia – All kids should play sport

2nd – Tanerau – Kids should be able to go to bed whenever they want

3rd Riley – All kids should play sport

The students presented their speeches against a green screen so they could add a background related to their speech using the Green Screen App on our class iPads.

We ran out of time last term to do this, so the students had a go using the app this week, to get their videos finished. They will be posting their speech videos on their individual blogs next week. Here is screen shot of each of their videos.

Please note there are a few students who still need to present their speech to the class.